October 22, 2024

If everything I have is fake then I don’t want to know what is real – Medikal

rapper Medikal

After he was accused of flaunting a fake Rolex Datejust watch on social media, rapper Medikal has reacted to the accusations with a denial.

The rapper had flaunted his newly acquired Rolex watch days before in a bit to announce to people his new fashion accessory. That is not just limited to him as several other celebrities take to social media to announce such things.

Things suddenly took a wrong turn when a German entity, Munich Wrist Buster that monitors and exposes fake watches revealed on social media that the said watch Medikal flaunted was fake.

Social media went berserk with trolls and many trolled him for faking his wealth and life. Medikal has not kept quiet though and has rebutted. He felt he cannot just let anyone ride him down and decided to reply to critics and also assure his fans of his realism.

In his post, he made it known that he is not bothered by what anybody thinks of him as he has gotten to a higher level or brand to even be associated with fake stuff. 

According to him, everything he wears is purely authentic and real. He does not also understand why people are so concerned about his possessions and bent on telling the world whether they are real or not.

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Source: Naomi Martey


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