January 22, 2025

UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care resigns from office over a scandal


UK Health Secretary resigns following office relationship scandal with colleague Gina Coladangelo

Sajid Javid - UK Health Secretary

Just a few days after the Brazilian Minister for Environment Ricardo Salles announced his resignation following the scandal of suspected trafficking, another minister made a humble but also not so clean bow out. Matt Hancock, UK Health Minister left office after a big revelation.

RICARDO SALLES - Former Brazil Minister for Environment

Mr Hancock was caught with his hand dipped deep not just in the proverbial soup pot but the food doesn’t even belong to him to start with.

MATT HANCOCK (Left) in an elbow hand shake with a colleague

Married for 15 years and with 3 children, not only did the Health Secretary who is a staunch advocate for adhering to Covid restrictions flaunted his own work ethics but his moral ones too all with Gina Coladangelo, a work colleague he was caught on camera in a passionate intimate embrace.

Apparently, it had been an ongoing affair for the married lovebirds and they may have been privy to the existence of the video which has been confirmed to have been in existence a month earlier because shortly before the video was publicly released the new couple left their spouses to be happy with each other.

Mr Hancock finally stepped down from office after a continuous display of displeasure from both the public and his colleagues. In an angry outburst, a couple of his colleagues like the former Health Secretary and Labour Leader reprimanded the Prime Minister for his unflinching support, saying Hancock should have been fired and not allowed to resign.

Gina Coladangelo also resigned as a non-executive director of the Health Department. The Secretaeriaship was given to former councillor Sajid Javid who had resigned when he refused an order from the PM to let go of his aides. 

Mr Javid says he feels honoured to take over from Mr Hancock.

By Jamila Abdul Wahab Follow on Twitter @activetvgh


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