October 22, 2024

We’ve no position on upcoming national executives elections – NDC MPs deny Deputy Chief Whip

Ahmed Ibrahim - MP

Claims by Ahmed Ibrahim, Deputy Minority Chief Whip that the Minority Caucus has endorsed Asiedu Nketiah in the National Democratic Congress Chairmanship race have been shot down.

The Caucus in a statement distanced itself from the Member of Parliament for Banda’s claims. They revealed that as a caucus they have never met to deliberate on such a matter regarding the upcoming national executive elections in their party.

“The Caucus never met on the matter and have not taken any decision on the matter.”

Also, they clarified that they have no position regarding any candidate vying for any position in the upcoming polls.

According to the caucus, Ahmed Ibrahim has rendered an unqualified apology to the group for this mishap.

The rank and file of the party as well as the public are urged to treat the comment with the contempt that it deserves.


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