February 11, 2025

NDC wants Teacher License exams to be suspended


NDC galvanize support against Teacher Licensure Examaination

Teachers seated writing the Teacher Licensure Examination

The issues regarding the teacher licensure examination have come up strongly on the radar again.

This time around, the minority caucus in parliament are calling for a suspension of the teacher licensure examinations deeming the mode used to assess the professionals that impact knowledge to millions of Ghanaian students as retrogressive.

Hon Peter Notsu Kotoe, a member of the Education Committee of Parliament has argued about the fact that there are other ways that teachers can be assessed even while at training or in school than this mode.

He also argued that “there is no syllabus guiding the professional teacher as what exactly to learn before the examination is conducted they just go to the exams hall on the set date and answer any question that is brought to them, this is retrogressive and we are not being fair to them.”

Since the inception of this mode of assessment for teachers to obtain a Professional License to practice in the country in September 2018, there have been arguments as to whether to continue with it or completely cancel it.

Different groups on the divide have preferred their reasons for either supporting or rejecting the new method of assessment for teachers in order to consider them as qualified professionals to operate in the country but with this new wave of discussion fuelled from the Minority in Ghana’s Parliament, we may as well see some steam come out of it.

By: Stella Annan | myactiveonline.com Twitter @activetvgh

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