February 11, 2025

Weija Dam Commences Spillage Process

weija dam

It is that time of the year where  the rains set in with both is good and bad sides. For residents in some parts of Weija they will have to deal with double woes as the authorities at the Weija Dam commence a spillage process.

Authorities say it was necessary for them to open the gates of the dam to prevent the water that had risen to higher levels from destroying the dam.

Manager of the Weija dam Mr Augustine Atibiri also added that, though, three gates have been opened so far, they will not hesitate to open the rest to bring the dam’s water to a normal level.

Though the spillage has not caused  as many floods in homes as previous times, some residents of Pambros, SCC and Tetegu fear the inevitable might happen.

Already with just this recent spillage, some students are not able to go to school. Boats operators are heavily cashing in as you need to pay before you can cross the river to wherever you are going.

To prevent any disastrous situations, the Ghana Water Company has advised and cautioned residents in such areas to move to higher grounds to avoid the effects of the spillage.

By: Stella Annan | myactiveonline.com Twitter @activetvgh


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