February 18, 2025

Bolgatanga: Students appeal to REGSEC to rescind its decision, fear they may fail their exams

Students of Bolga Technical Institute

Following the riots that led to the shutdown of the Bolgatanga Technical Institute, final-year students are worried the situation would lead them to fail their TVET exams which have already commenced.

 A riot by the students led to the destruction of school property and vehicles of teachers on Tuesday and prompted the Upper East Regional Security Council to close down the school.

The altercations were a result of the students’ demand to see some of their colleagues and teachers who were picked up by the National Intelligence Bureau for exam malpractices.

While in their quest to see the apprehended persons they vandalized school properties including seven vehicles.

The students were then instructed by the regional security council to only report to the school to write their papers and leave when they were done.

“I can say, I am zero per cent prepared because of what happened yesterday. I was unable to sleep because I didn’t have anywhere to sleep, and when it happens like that, how are you able to learn?” a student lamented.

Aside from them not having a place to stay in the school, they are also struggling to be fed since they have been kicked out of the boarding house. The worst hit is those from very distant places.

“I am hungry, and how can you learn when you are hungry? I am leaving everything to God. I know God will help me. I don’t know what I will do now, but I know I will pass. I am also from Salaga and there is no place for me to sleep so I am just hanging around, so I am unable to learn.”

Female students who feel more vulnerable and feared being exploited in their desperation are calling on the authorities to review the order for them all to stay at home.

No other students are allowed into the school except the final year students who only report to write their papers and leave. Strict inspections are made before the students are allowed into the exam halls to write.


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