Only a constitutional review can make changes to Article 71 emoluments – FWSC

It will take a constitutional review in order to be able to effect changes to the emoluments of Article 71 office holders, the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission revealed said.
Many, including the Trades and Union Congress (TUC), have called for a review or the scrapping of Article 71 from the Constitution to create a fair pay policy system and restraint on the level of public spending on salaries and emoluments.
The Fair Wages and Salaries Commission, speaking on such demands indicated that the review committee of the single spine pay policy may consider such calls, though it is not part of their core mandate.
“It is a constitutional matter and once it is, the President must set up a committee to come up with recommendations. Once the recommendations have been made, there will be ways for implementation, and it will be reviewed from the terms of reference,” says Earl Ankrah, the Head of Communication at the commission.
Dr Yaw Baah, General Secretary of the TUC, said the union is moving to end the unfairness in the payment structure of public sector workers.
“The TUC and its affiliates have our eyes and minds firmly fixed on the outcome of the Single Spine Salary Review process currently underway. We are determined to work together with other organized Labour groups to end the unfairness in remunerations for public sector workers on the Single Spine Salary Structure on one hand and Article 71 office holders and State Owned Enterprises on the other hand,” he stated.