October 22, 2024

NABCo Personnel Ready To Hit Streets Over New Order?

A crowd of protestors marching in the streets of Accra

NABCO personnel are not pleased with the new order to return to their normal attendance routine of reporting the entire five days of the workweek. They say the prior shift rotation practiced in an effort to maintain a Covid acceptable crowd worked well for them.

Their seeming resistance to the new order also stems from the fact that their allowances has being delayed and the delayed payment they say is putting a strain on their survival thus attempting to let them work the entire week would be a burden.

The irregularity of payment of government workers especially NABCo personnel has put a strain on many personnel. Speaking with a number of them who disclosed that they go as far as borrowing to survive for 2-3 month and then pay back the debts when they are paid and that is not lessening or improving their financial status in any way.

With this new order to assume the regular attendance, the association of NABCo personnel felt the need to express their grievances but according to them, authorities have denied their request for a peaceful demonstration citing Covid-19 crowd restrictions as reasons.

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By Jamila Abdul Wahab Follow on Twitter @activetvgh


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