January 15, 2025

Meteo agency workers union starts negotiations with government, suspends strike action

GMet signage at its office

Ghana continues to tackle labour issues with the latest one being an attempt by the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations to address issues of the staff of the Ghana Meteorological Agency that led to them laying down their tools on Friday.

The union carried out their threat on February 18th 2022 over some issues most labour unions have been crying out for which is better conditions of service but they suspended their industrial action after meeting with the Communications Ministry officials.

They are hoping to get their concerns addressed as they commence negotiations with the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations.

Mr Papa Nii Clegg  Chairman of the Divisional Union complained that their conditions of service are nothing good to write home about that is why they want it improved.

“The itemized demands should be addressed especially the interim arrangements. Our conditions of service are too bad so at the negotiation table, our expectation will be that the items that are mentioned 6should change. Something drastic should be done,” he said.

 On Thursday, February 17, 2022, the workers union of the agency asked all its members nationwide to lay down their tools to demand better conditions of service.

Reasons for their action, include the non-payment of certain allowances and poor infrastructure, among others.

The Ghana Meteorological Agency is tasked with providing information on weather situations on a daily basis.


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