Going to the IMF is a joke – Ivan Kyei Innocent shades Akufo-Addo and his boys

Economic hardship and instability have dragged Ghana to the International Monetary Fund for the 17th time to seek a bailout.
Ghana has been to Breton Woods institute so many times for assistance to boost its economy and strengthen its weak pillars, but social commentator Ivan Kyei Innocent sees it to be a very big joke on the side of Ghana.
In his view, despite seeking assistance many times from the IMF, none of those efforts has brought anything significant in terms of solving the country’s problems for good.
He added that IMF giving you money does not give you the free range to operate but comes with conditions and other constraints.
My Kyei Innocent who has been a core critic of bad governance noted that there have been so much resources in the past years which should have enabled this current government to excel but they have all gone wasted.
He said this current government had almost 13 billion dollars in the past four years but couldn’t use it to tackle the appropriate needs of Ghanaians but rather wasted it and now decided to go for just 2 to 3 billion dollars. He doubted if there is any guarantee that 2 to 3 billion dollars is going to solve our problems.
To this end, Mr Ivan Innocent Kyei concluded going to the IMF is a total joke created by a team of unserious minds.
By: Wisdom Hodzi | myactiveonline.com