ER: REGSEC to meet ECG and Krobos in an attempt to end the impasse

The long-standing dispute between some Krobo indigenes and the Electricity Company of Ghana has gotten the Eastern Regional Security Council worried and a meeting has been scheduled to that effect to seek an amicable solution.
Unfortunately, the uncompromising stance taken by both parties regarding the installation of prepaid meters has left Krobo residents without light for two weeks now, grinding especially most economic activities to a halt.
To prevent the matter from becoming a full blown security threat, the Eastern Regional REGSEC is seeking to bring finality to the matter before it spiral’s out of control as a security threat.
With this meeting, the feuding parties will be expected to bring their issues to bare in order to find a common ground to resolve them.
Security agencies will also be expected to patrol the area to forestall unforeseen circumstances while installation carried out by the ECG will be monitored.
These arrangements are aimed at ensuring that the community is put back on the National Grid.