Trotro Diaries: An Every Day Thing – Nine
An exciting scene in this episode see a young man who seem to be acting smart to get women, it landed him somewhere…….find out

Episode 9
Tik tik tok tok
For the first time in a long while, the taps were not working. Any domestic activity requiring water has caused friendly neighbours to become angry and easily irritable.
Tok tik tok tik
A single basin that sat at the compound tap since last night was almost full.
It may seem that no one was watching but a closer look will reveal windows cracked open and curtains shifted to the side just a bit. Everyone is eager to race for the pail once it is full.
When the level of disagreements had become alarming, the tenants had a meeting and agreed on this strategy. A basin is placed at the now dripping compound tap, no one touches it until it becomes filled up. First to get to it will have the water and others will sort themselves out. Going to the community tap to join long queues, or buying a bag of sachet water.
Red has earned the title, number one enemy from almost everyone. The mate just shrugs the insults off. It was no fault of his that his sleeping outside finally earned him something good. He will not go to work smelling like yesterday’s armpit smell. As for food, madam will have water for that too.
“Boss why, oh why!”
“Boss, you no try at all!”
As usual, Red made it to the pail first and happily carted it away ignoring the unhappy faces of wrapper clad men and women with sleep riddled eyes.
It cannot be a normal day if the bus didn’t have an opera show. This time, it was on the return trip to town. As always, a few passengers chose to be on the defence stand and others, the role of the audience.
The whole incident started when a ragged-looking man had boarded the front seat of the bus on the freeway. Raggedman had caused a ruckus with a very loud and lengthy phone call, annoying passengers to no end.
“Bossman, mate my money no reach you go help me small,” he pleaded mid call and went back to wooing the Jojo lady, whoever she was on the phone.
“Yes, Jojo you don’t know say me I be chief for my town? You don’t know? Oh how!”
The man sounded so surprised it was funny. Even his facial expressions as he went on to convince Jojo of his wealthy status.
At the final bus stop that will take the bus to the highway, a nubile girl took the seat next to this man as there were no other available seats. Raggedman had quickly ended his call. Focusing on the fine lady.
“Oh my dear sweetie heart,” he spoke, tapping her shoulder in such a familiar manner and demanding that she give him one out of the two ice cream packs she had.
“Where my ice cream? Or you no buy some for your fine man?”.
Furious at the audacity that the girl had snubbed him, he angrily started raining abuses and curses on her.
“You no fine sef. Not happy that a chief like me talk you”.
At this time passengers got involved asking that he leave the girl alone.
“What is wrong with you, the girl is not minding you yet you’re still insulting her!” One woman started. And the others followed.
“You no get sister for house eh?”
“Boss stop that! Oh you too why ebe force?”
“Leave her alone oh!”
He ignored everyone and when the girl still did not mind him, he tapped her on the thighs. Not being able to hold herself, the girl met his face with an open palm slam that made even Massa wince.
When the man attempted retaliating, some young chaps held him down.
“What do you want to do? Them no tell you?”
“Oh boy, you asked for it!” The two guys who held him ignored his struggles and maintained their firm grip until the bus arrived at the nearest Police stop.
A policeman was stepping out of the station when he stopped at the sight of some young men dragging a fellow. The right was not a new one, rather the familiar face.
“Oh God, what is with this particular bus with trouble?” The uniform personnel lamented in stress.
Red, who was helping the young men drag Raggedman to the station, stopped in his tracks at that voice.
To be continued…….new episode every WEEKEND. Subscribe to receive notifications. Leave your comments below.
By Jamila Abdul Wahab Follow on Twitter @activetvgh
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