Assemblies of God Ghana presents memo to Parliament in support of the anti-LGTBQI bill

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Assemblies of God Ghana has presented a memorandum to Parliament in support of the “Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill, 2021,” which has been championed by a group of parliamentarians led by Mr Samuel Nartey George.

Through the memorandum, it stated its open support for the bill’s approval in order to safeguard Ghanaian values and promote legitimate sexual rights for Ghanaians’ dignity.

The letter was submitted to the Parliamentary Select Committee on Constitutional, Legal, and Parliamentary Affairs, according to the Executive Presbytery of the Assemblies of God in Ghana.

It went on to say that the authors of the Bible interpreted this two-fold act of creation and blessing to include moral norms such as the mutual cultivation of intimacy between husband and wife and the prohibition of sexual immorality and divorce (cf. Matthew 19:4–9; Mark 10:5–12; 1 Corinthians 7:12–20; Hebrews 13:4).

“The prophet Moses, Jesus the Messiah, and the apostle Paul are united in common witness to the goodness of humanity’s existence as biological complements, as well as the moral norms that should govern male-female sexual behaviour,” the memorandum stated.

The church argues that biblical moral values controlling sexual behaviour have steadily been eroding in recent decades.

It stated that as norms around nonmarital sexual activity, gay activity, marital fidelity, procreation, and divorce have given way to more liberal understandings in the larger culture, new and more fundamental challenges to the very notion of biological complementarianism have emerged.

Also, the letter stated that the “transgender moment,” as it has been dubbed, allows a person to choose a gender identity that differs from their biological sex, implying that a biblical and theological assessment is required.

The document aims to lay the groundwork for a social-scientific understanding of transgender people’s experiences.

It made a theological analysis of the situation in light of what the Bible says about the sacredness of the human body and transgender behaviour, resolving the question of how society should treat transgender people.

“Finally, practical instructions are presented as to how the greater community should approach to people who struggle with gender identity, a problem that the vast majority of persons-Christian or otherwise understand,” the letter stated.

Source: Richard Mensah Adonu | Join our Telegram Group


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