October 22, 2024

BREAKING: Dubai Taxi Corporation Issues Amerado A Cease And Desist Order For “Taxi Driver” Artwork


Things don’t seem to be going on well for sensational Ghanaian rapper Amerado Burner known in real life as Derrick Sarfo Kantanka. He has been issued with a “cease and desist” order by the Dubai Taxi Corporation for the use of their property in his art design for the new single.

Known for releasing back-to-back hits that entertain and educate, this is a blow to the heart. His fans who were anxious to enjoy a piece of his new release are saddened by the latest development. 

The new single titled “Taxi Driver” had the official art design having a photo of Amerado standing at the back of a Dubai Taxi Cab. This is what seems illegal with the Dubai Taxi Corporation hence their action. 

To avoid further trouble, Amerado took to his Instagram handle to tell his fans that he would be making some changes in the art design as a means to correct the mistake. 

According to the Dubai Taxi Corporation their assets can only be used for any purposes when the right permission has been sought. Until then, Amerado is not permitted to use any of their taxis for his work.

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Source: Naomi Martey


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