3 Ghanaian politicians exposed in Pandora papers leak – Bright Simmons reveals

The famous leak that has engulfed the world is currently the Pandora papers which have allegedly exposed some companies of Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta.
Honorary Vice President of Imani Africa and Chief Executive Officer mPedegree has talked about how some top Ghanaian politicians have been indicted by the leaks. He revealed this in a tweet on Monday, October 4, 2021,
“The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists claim that the Pandora Papers constitute the largest leak of confidential documents to the press ever. 3 Ghanaian politicians, 10 from Nigeria & 2 from Kenya are implicated. 49 African politicians in total are mentioned.”
According to sources, the Pandora papers is one of the biggest ever leak of offshore data which exposes financial secrets of the rich and powerful around the world.
The organization tend to reveal secret deals and hidden assets of some of the world’s richest and most powerful people have been revealed in the biggest trove of leaked offshore data in history.
Branded as the Pandora papers, the cache includes 11.9 million files from companies hired by wealthy clients to create offshore structures and trusts in tax havens such as Panama, Dubai, Monaco, Switzerland and the Cayman Islands.
Secret offshore affairs of 35 world leaders, including current and former presidents, prime ministers and heads of state have been exposed in the leak. The leak also shone a light on the secret finances of more than 300 other public officials such as government ministers, judges, mayors and military generals in more than 90 countries.
The files also include secrets about major donors to the UK’s Conservative Party, raising difficult questions for Boris Johnson as his party meets for its annual conference.
More than 100 billionaires feature in the leaked data, as well as celebrities, rock stars and business leaders. Many use shell companies to hold luxury items such as property and yachts, as well as incognito bank accounts. There is even art ranging from looted Cambodian antiquities to paintings by Picasso and murals by Banksy.
The Pandora papers reveal the inner workings of what is a shadow financial world, providing a rare window into the hidden operations of a global offshore economy that enables some of the world’s richest people to hide their wealth and in some cases pay little or no tax.
Source: 3news