You went too far by instructing the Auditor General to use his powers – Dr Oduro Osae schools CSOs

Dr Oduro Osae, Director-General of the internal audit agency does not agree with the position being held by the Civil Society Organizations regarding the power of the Auditor General to disallow and surcharge.
He said it is too extreme to tell the Auditor General to exercise the power he wields on all the cases he brought out.
Mr Osae’s reactions were in response to the Monday 5th June 2022 picketing by some CSOs at the Auditor General Department regarding the same issue. OccupyGhana insisted that it would not hesitate to go to court if the Auditor General fails to act on his powers.
He said “It is not all recommendations that will require the Auditor General to issue disallowance and surcharge. It is on a case-by-case basis.”
“I will advise CSOs and OccupyGhana that if they want to help Ghanaians, they should do an analysis of the Auditor General’s report and establish the ones that they think are supposed to be disallowed and surcharged for which the Auditor General has refused to do and present that one as a credible case to Ghanaians. But to say the Auditor General has failed to exercise his surcharge and disallowance and surcharge under Article 187 is going too far.”
During an interview on Citi TV Dr Oduro Osae called on the CSO to take a realistic position regarding the power of disallowance and surcharge the Auditor General wields.