October 22, 2024

We Want Either Death Sentence Or Life Imprisonment : Family of Murdered 10-year Boy Demands

Murdered Kasoa Boy

Family of the murdered Ishmael Abdallah was in uncontrollable sorrow as the mortal remains of the young boy was being prepared for burial today in accordance with Islamic custom.

The family members and residents in the area are demanding either a death sentence or life imprisonment for the boys who committed that gruesome act.

As the boy was being prepared for burial the distraught mother just couldn’t stand the sight of seeing her son’s lifeless body and had to be escorted away.

According to the family spokesperson, they were still in a state of disbelief and shock and could not fathom why such an evil could befall them especially when one of the accused was very close to the family.

“From henceforth, I will advise my family and other children to be careful about how to associate with strangers and even those they claim to know. You can’t trust anyone these days,” he said.

Mr Akalilu expressed appreciation to the Counseling and Psychology Unit of the Ghana Police Service (GPS) for providing counseling services to the bereaved family.

By: Stella Annan | myactiveonline.com Twitter @activetvgh


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