October 22, 2024

We are on your side – Kojo Oppong Nkrumah assures Ghanaians

Minister of Information - Kojo Oppong Nkrumah

A massive street protest led by Ghana’s largest opposition party the National Democratic Congress hit Ghana yesterday, July 6 as the Ghanian people trooped out chanting for the government to #fixthecountry. Campaigning for justice for those who have died through the impunity of the security services has been ongoing for the last few months.

To Ghanaians, the country’s government has failed to give expected reactions and take needed actions. After the story of the young journalist who was reporting about cars procured with state resources that were left to rot at the mercy of the weather was maltreated by security personnel, many have joined the call for action. He was remanded in security custody for long durations and not only had his camera confiscated but got beaten as well. 

Kojo Opong Nkruma, Information Minister for Ghana was questioned on the BBC yesterday July 6, on the government’s plans for action on the concerns of the people.

His response was that the government agrees that these security officials ought not to deal with citizens in such a high-handed manner. Although the security personnel believed they made a legitimate arrest after evidence gathered against them proved contrary, those involved were relieved of their duty.

Concerning the protesting persons who died at Ejura, the minister assured that there is an ongoing public inquiry into the matter. A court of appeal judge, civil society representatives, and security experts have been charged to lead that and are already questioning witnesses after which actions will be taken against any persons who were involved in those unlawful deaths.

Urging the general public not to succumb to the lies spun by those who wish to twist the entire narrative, the Information Minister ended the interview by assuring Ghanaians that the government is on their side of seeking justice and therefore they should not play into the hands of some persons with political agendas.

By Jamila Abdul Wahab Follow on Twitter @activetvgh


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