Technical Universities’ Senior administrators threaten strike action over poor conditions of service
Senior Administrators in Ghana’s Technical Universities threaten to lay down their tools over poor conditions of service and Tier 2 pension contributions

The Technical Universities’ Senior Administrators Association of Ghana (TUSAAG), has threatened to also lay down their tools over poor conditions of service.
This comes barely 24 hours after the Technical University Teachers’ Association of Ghana (TUTAG) called off its strike.
Members of TUSAAG laid down their tools in January 2020, but were forced to suspend the action following an injunction secured by the National labour commission at the court against the strike.
TUSAAG has tabled four issues of concern including conditions of service and Tier 2 pensions as the basis for the latest strike.
The association also disclosed that its petitions to the National Pensions Regulatory Authority and the release of the tier 2 contributions of its members have not been done, making life unbearable for its retired members.
In an interview with Accra based Citi FM monitored by the President of TUSAAG, Honu Edem, said the Association will rescind its decision to strike if the government provides a roadmap with strict timelines to resolve their concerns.
“We have been working without conditions of service for our members for a long time, and we think that we can no longer work while our welfare conditions are not sorted by the government. The conditions of service are of the essence to us, and it’s part of the issues that we are tabling for immediate action by the government.”
“We also request for issues regarding our tier 2 pension contributions that we have been paying to the National Pensions Regulatory Authority to be addressed. The payments have not been transferred over the years, and that has affected the payment of pensions to those of our colleagues who have retired since 2020 which is creating hectic life situations for them.”
By: Stella Annan |