Teacher arraigned before court for allegedly sodomizing 19 boys

A teacher at Kulpi M/A Junior High School in the East Gonja district of the Savannah Region has been apprehended by the Police for sodomising some students in his school.
The Suspect Natomah Otabel who has been in Police grips since September 27, during confession yesterday initially stated that he had sodomised two students but it turned out that he had actually sodomised about 19 boys in the school, luring them with money that was why the students endured the abuse till one of their family members noticed it and finally broke their silence according to Sgt A Owusu, Police Public Affairs Director for the Savannah Region.
Parents of the victims appear worried as they also do not have the required funds to travel with their affected children to the Tamale Teaching Hospital for a thorough medical check-up on their children after they were sodomised since the Salaga Government Hospital did not have the required materials for such medical examination.
With this also being a traumatic experience for the victims, a Psychologist with the Okomfo Anokye Teaching hospital Dr Pearl Nyarko has also suggested a counselling and psychotherapy session for them to make them feel at ease and recover from the situation.
Such abusive situations also demand action from the Ministry of Gender and Social Protection to get involved to help find ways to deal with such situations.
As it stands now the said teacher has been arraigned before a court to stand trial for his abusive actions.
By: Stella Annan | myactiveonline.com Twitter @activetvgh