October 22, 2024

SUICIDE: Man Hangs Himself In A Cashew Farm At Kintampo

the Deceased Yaw Bessiah hanging on the cashew tree

A man believed to be in his early 40s was found dead hanging on a cashew tree in a cashew plantation at Kintampo. The family of the deceased reported to the Kintampo Police about the unfortunate incident on Wednesday.

the Deceased man hanging on the cashew tree

According to the family, a woman who was going to farm on Wednesday morning, upon reaching the farm just a few metres into a bush road at Hill Top, a suburb of Kintampo, in the Bono East Region, saw the man hanging on one of the trees. She then raised an alarm for the attention of people nearby.

It was through the alarm that a family member identified him upon arriving at the scene. The family of the deceased rushed to officially report the case to the police and together, the body was taken down from the tree and sent to the morgue for preservation and further investigations.

The body has been identified as Yaw Bessiah, a farmer and a former trailer Driver. Some residents who pleaded anonymity said, they saw him picking cashew on his farm prior to the incident.

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Source: Christiana Afua Nyarko | myactiveonline.com Follow us on Twitter @activetvgh


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