Over 3000 nurses left Ghana in 3 months for greener pastures

The number of nurses leaving the country to seek greener pastures continues to be on the rise according to the General Secretary of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association, Mr David Tenkorang-Twum.
Data shows that at least 3,000 nurses left Ghana to see greener pastures in the first quarter of the year..
Records indicate that between the first quarter of 2022 about 3000 nurses left the shores of Ghana.
“If we are unable to strengthen the workforce in our health sector we are in trouble while we have young cadres of the industry languishing in their homes and their skills being underutilized,” Mr Tenkorang-Twum noted, adding that “if you train people and fail to absorb them then what are you doing?”
Mr Tenkorang expressed worry that those who leave are among the best the service has and would have loved to have them serve in the country. He said, “people leaving are the crème de la creme of the professionals”.
The Genesis of the whole situation of nurses wanting to leave and seek greener pastures elsewhere per narration from Mr Tenkorang –Twum was when Covid-19 struck, nurses in most countries resigned leaving a void which most Ghanaian nurses are moving out to fill making Ghana lose a large amount of health workforce.
The issue that is making most nurses leave is poor remuneration. “We occupy the lowest ebb remuneration with some taking as low as 1,200,” Mr Tenkorang-Twum added.
He added that there is a lack of opportunities for study leave for Ghanaian nurses.
On how to address the situation he said “if they improve our conditions of service we will stay we are not given what is due us”, adding that the “Government should prioritise nurses” and give them good salaries .