OSP lifts ban on auction sales of vehicles by Customs Division

The Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) has in a press release today lifted the ban it placed on all auction sales of cars and other goods by the Customs Division at the Tema port.
Kissi Agyebeng, the Special Prosecutor said the sales can begin today but called on the Customs Division to strictly comply with the Customs Act, 2015.
“The Customs Division may commence auction sales of vehicles and other goods from Monday, 12 September 2022,” part of the release said.
“The auction sales should be conducted strictly in accordance with legal requirements, especially the provisions of the Customs Act, 2015 (Act 891). The Customs Division should cooperate with and work closely with authorised officers of the Office of Special Prosecutor in respect of the investigations and the conduct of auction sales,” it further stated.
On 19th August 2022, the OSP banned all auction sales, following the need to conduct investigations into some alleged corruption cases at the Customs Division. “The Special Prosecutor further directed the Commissioner of the Customs Division to immediately halt and discontinue all auction sales until the investigation is concluded,” part of the statement halting the sales read.
However, the Customs Division has been asked to comply with all ongoing investigations, though the ban has been lifted the ban.