No need to impose travel restrictions on Ghana – WHO Director

Although some cases of the Marburg virus have been recorded in Ghana, the World Health Organization (WHO) says, there is no need to impose a travel restriction.
Currently, Ghana and Guinea have recorded fresh cases of the deadly virus, putting other West African countries on red alert.
Dr Francis Kasola, the WHO Country Representative, urged Ghanaians to observe Covid-19 safety protocols to prevent the spread of the Marburg virus.
“We are not recommending any travel restrictions. There will be no cause for alarm as long as people follow the advice we have given, particularly the Covid-19 prevention protocols; washing of hands, among others.”
Two cases have so far been recorded in the country.
One case was a 26-year-old male who checked into a hospital on 26 June 2022 and died on 27 June. The second case was a 51-year-old male that reported to the hospital on 28 June and died on the same day.
Marburg Virus Disease is a rare but severe haemorrhagic fever that affects both humans and non-human primates.
It is caused by the Marburg virus. It is transmitted by infected persons or animals from direct contact with body fluids, blood, and other discharges from the affected person/animal. The incubation period for the disease is two (2) to twenty-one (21) days. Treatment is symptomatic. There is currently no vaccine available.
Prospective cases may present with fever, bloody diarrhoea, bleeding from gums, bleeding into the skin, bleeding into the eyes, and bloody urine.