I’ll ensure the OSP does not become a rogue institution of CDD-Ghana – Martin Amidu

Former Special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu has said he will not allow the Office of the Special Prosecutor to become a rogue institution of CDD-Ghana’s Corruption Watch Ghana.
In his latest epistle, he promised he will do everything legal to prevent this from happening though there are attempts to silence him from speaking on issues of corruption. He revealed that he has been attacked by CDD-Ghana’s Corruption Watch Ghana for criticising the Special Prosecutor over his recent report on Labianca.
“The more my person is attacked and intimidated, the more I shall use all available legal and constitutional means at my disposal to ensure that the Office of the Special Prosecutor does not become a rogue institution of CDD-Ghana’s Corruption Watch Ghana and their associates who are pushing it into illegal acts to enhance their entrepreneurial influence peddling or trading of influence at the expense of the security and laws of Ghana,” Mr Amidu said.
He argued that the Labianca report was hollow, without a mandate, unconstitutional and also inconsistent with and contravenes Act 959 and the 1992 Constitution.
The former OSP further said “the Report of Investigations into Alleged Commission of Corruption And Corruption-related offences involving Labianca Group of Companies and the Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority” dated 3 August 2022 and published on 8 August 2022 in the electronic media does not contain or disclose the authority or mandate of the Office of the Special Prosecutor Act, 2017 (Act 959) under which the report was written, and directives given for payment of “….an amount of 1,074,627.15 representing the short collection or shortfall of revenue arising from the issuance of the unlawful customs advance ruling….into the Assets Recovery Account of the Office of the Special Prosecutor” and published for public consumption”.