If this is what you used the GHS450 million for then you have to explain- Kwame Agbodza to Asenso-Boakye

A Ranking Member of the Roads and Transport Committee of Parliament, Kwame Agbodza has raised a value for money concern raised over the purported GHS450 million that has reportedly been spent to resolve Accra’s perennial flooding situation.
The legislator for Adaklu said there is a need for more probing into the comments made by the Minister for Works and Housing, Francis Asenso-Boakye, on the matter.
These concerns come after major flooding in parts of Accra in the last few days caused havoc after each downpour.
“The Public Accounts Committee should pick up on what he has said to go further to find out where that GHS450 million was spent because if they spent GHS450 million and this is the result, everybody can tell you the money was not spent properly.”
“Looking at the budget that was allocated to the Ministry of Works and Housing, I didn’t see any significant money given to them to make any proper intervention,” Mr Agbodza noted.
He thus challenged the Minister to account for the said GHS450 million.
“Sadly, the Minister went around doing what everybody ahead of him has done. Ask him how much have you spent. He should just tell us where that GHS450 million has been spent,” Mr Agbodza added.
Since the Minister’s comments, there has been another heavy flooding in the national capital on Tuesday after over eight hours of rainfall.