I was not embarrassed – National Security minister shames GACL over Awudu Basit’s interdiction

The Minister for National Security has debunked the claim by the Ghana Airports Company Limited (GACL) that a security officer, Awudu Basit disrespected him by doing a pre-boarding search of him at the Kumasi Airport hence the decision to interdict the security officer.
He said he is shocked to hear about the interdiction of the security officer by GACL and that it didn’t warrant the action taken by the Airports Company.
The security officer, Awudu Basit, was interdicted for demanding to search the Minister for National Security at the Kumasi Airport. Investigations have since been launched into the said matter according to GACL.
According to GACL, the security man’s actions toward the minister were embarrassing. A letter from GACL to Mr Basit said, “You were assigned to perform airside patrol duties at the Kumasi Airport on 8th September 2022, and you saw the Minister of National Security emerging from the VVIP Lounge to board Africa World Airline Flight at about 1430 hours. It is reported that you approached the Hon. Minister and demanded to conduct a pre-boarding search on him in the open frontage of the VVIP which ended up embarrassing the minister”.
Speaking to the Fourth Estate, Mr Kan Dapaah expressed shock at the management of GACL.
“I am surprised about the turn of events. There was absolutely no disrespect. I spent over 40 minutes at the waiting room and he did not ask to screen me. However, just before I was about to board and in the full glare of so many people he demanded to search me. Last Monday, an official from the Ghana Airports came to my office to apologise and I did explain that there was no need for an apology because there was no disrespect towards me by the officer,” Kan Dapaah reiterated.
The minister indicated he was unaware of the turn of events and hadn’t seen the letter interdicting the security guard, however, he appealed to the Airports Company to reverse the interdiction of the security guard, Audi Basit.