October 22, 2024

Ghanaian Youth Up In ‘Arms’ Against Government As #FixTheCountry Tops Twitter Trends

FixTheCountry hashtag promo flyer by Ghanaian youth

Since prices of various products and services were increased on the Ghanaian market after the new taxes were approved in parliament there has been a viral trend #FixTheCountry on social media. The has trend has seen Ghanaian youth shun party colours to join hands together to pressure authorities to fix many of the issues that are making the cost of living rise by the day.

This trend as it stands immediately went viral and most Ghanaians are using it to vent out their anger at the government for the increment in goods, service and also systems put in place in the country in general. There have been recent increases in prices of goods and services in the country, prominent among them is the increase in prices of petroleum products. Telecommunication giant, MTN which controls the majority of the Ghanaian internet data and call market has also increased the cost of data and call charges due to taxes imposed on them by the government.

Joshua Boye-Doe whose #FixTheCountry hashtag has been adopted by Ghanaians leading to it topping social media trends especially on Twitter said there were questions about systems in Ghana that were lingering in his mind but was not being answered hence him being a social media influencer brought up this hashtag and it arguably resonated with the plight of most Ghanaians in these times.

FixTheCountry hashtag promo flyer by Ghanaian youth

In an interview on Accra based TV3 and monitored by myactiveonline.com, he said the main goal of this trend is to put across how frustrated Ghanaians are and the youth is also demanding accountability from the government.

The influencer also laughed off and debunked the notion that his trend is politically motivated and asked why would any political party like to bring up these issues after elections rather. He also  was not sure if the trend will further lead to a peaceful protest to press home Ghanaians demands.

By: Stella Annan | myactiveonline.com Twitter @activetvgh


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