October 22, 2024

Don’t be cowards, stand up and kick Ken Ofori-Atta out – Prof Gyampo to Majority leadership


Prof Ransford Gyampo has called on the leadership of the Majority caucus Parliament to stand up and support the 80 MPs that demanded the sacking of the Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta and the Minister of State in charge of Finance Charles Adu Boahen.

The political science lecturer at the University of Ghana during an interview on TV3 on 25th October 2022 while commending the 80 legislators for their bravery in telling the government the truth to the face about the Finance Minister also called on the leadership of the caucus to do same.

“I call on the leadership of the Majority to eschew cowardice and come out openly and take sides with the members of the Majority caucus.

“I know behind the scenes they support what their members have done but are unable to come out openly to declare their stance in support of what happened because they occupy positions and some are still eyeing positions,” he stated.

“I am telling them that the appointment Akufo-Addo has made is done. There are no vacant positions to be filled and so they should do away with the subservience to the executive arm of government and the morbid fear they have for President Akufo-Addo and stand up and be counted,” he challenged.

Explaining further, he made it clear that “the leadership is leading constituents that are feeling the hardship and the challenges of the economy so it is important they stand up and be counted to aid Parliament in its role as an agent of restraint and demand accountability from the executive arm of government”.

Prof Gyampo who was impressed by the turn of events at the legislature yesterday 25th October 2022 also added that “it is good that these things happened.

“I am excited about it and it serves the government right because if they had listened to the calls of some members of the party in Ashanti Region as they demonstrated but such calls were seen by the government as from the opposition and so this kind of politics where we see some actions as from the opposition so we rubbish it has not helped us,” he stated.

Ghanaians were left shocked yesterday at the opening of the third meeting of the second session as the house resumed from recess. 80 members on the Majority side called for the Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Ataa and a Minister of State in charge of finance, Charles Adu Boahen to be replaced for their disastrous economic management style.

The Minority on the other hand urged the angry members of the Majority side to walk the talk by supporting the process to censure the minister.

The 80 legislators have since met with president Akufo –Addo and their next line of action will be revealed in the next parliamentary session.


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