Consider dealing with major unrest by June if workers’ conditions are not catered for – Dr Baah warns gov’t

The Trades Union Congress has sent a signal that all is not well on the labour front and predicted more unrest if the government is not able to protect jobs and consider an upward adjustment of salaries before June 2022.
Dr Anthony Baah, Secretary-General of the TUC complained that over the past six years, his administration has sought to use dialogue to resolve issues with their employer, the government, but to no avail.
He cautioned that workers will resort to other unpleasant means to press home their demands due to the government’s reluctance to give them their due.
“We resort to talking and dialogue and we have been doing this for at least over the last six years, and there is no result to show for it and that is why there is anger. This is the signal that I gave, to let the government know that if they do not listen to us through the dialogue, we will do what trade unions do. If the government doesn’t change its way of doing things in terms of protecting incomes and jobs, I can tell you that things will happen,” he said.
The Trades Union Congress has recently heightened its call on the government to resolve the low wages they earn.
That prompted the government to back a move for the setting up of a committee for reviewing the Single Spine Pay Policy.
But Dr Baah is cautioning that there may be serious unrest on the labour front if their warnings are not heeded.
“Reviewing the Single Spine Pay Policy and making sure our incomes are protected is our priority. If inflation keeps going up, it will come to a point where we can’t take it anymore, and that will start serious labour unrests in this country which will not be good for us,” he said.