ACCIDENT: Speeding Hyundai Summersaults On Pokuase-Ablekuma Highway

A Hyundai saloon car with registration number GE 6661-19 summersaulted on the Pokuase-Ablekuma Highway today.
The accident happened around 2:30 noon at Rocky Down on the Pokuase-Ablekuma Highway. Upon the arrival of Active TV around 2:40 noon, the vehicle was seen turned upside down.
As at the time the accident happened, it was only the driver who was in the vehicle. Though the driver was saved, he had a cut on his forehead.
The driver who for some reasons insisted not to speak to the camera said ” I didn’t even know what actually happened. I wasn’t going on top speed too so I wonder why it happened this way.”

“I was just going at the normal speed between 30 and 40 and I will say it was the airbag that saved me,” he added.
An eye witness explained, “I was even lucky I wasn’t knocked down by the car. It just ran by my side and after turning to see what it was, I saw the car run and hit the wall. For me it was God who saved my life, I would have been dead by now”.

According to the eye witness, we wouldn’t have heard good news had it not been some gravels at the road side where the incident happened. He said it was the gravel that he believed held the car and slowed its speed. Otherwise it would have hit a nearby wall and probably might have entered where some masons were working.
By: Clement Annor | Active TV Follow on Twitter @activetvgh