3-member Ejura Committee recommends adequate compensation for victims of Ejura shooting

3-member Ejura Committe

The full report of the three-member Ejura Committee that was put together to probe what caused the violence in Ejura and to give recommendations has finally been published by the government of Ghana. The committee completed its work and submitted the report including various recommendations to the government.

According to the Committee, “In relation to the response of the Military personnel on the 29th June, we note from the evidence that, immediately the personnel touched down they started firing warning shots, contrary to the evidence of the GOC (Central Command) which was to the effect that, they gave a verbal warning which was ignored before the warning shots begun.

“We observed that, the MCE failed in his duty to handle the Municipality in relation to his handling and dissemination of general information and intelligent information. His approach to matters concerning the Municipality as the political head of the Assembly was very poorly done. No wonder he had to take cover when his Municipality was in turmoil, leaving a political vacuum and the MUSEC was bereft of any leadership and proper coordination and direction during the crises.”

Some the recommendations of the committee among other things include training of  Regional Security Council (REGSEC), Municipal Security Council (MUSEC) and District Security Council (DISEC) officials in the Ashanti Region in conflict and crisis management at the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College at least once every year.

“The Committee recommends adequate Compensation for the families of the two deceased persons, namely, Abdul Nasir Yusif and Murtala Suraj Mohammed. Adequate compensation must also be paid to other injured persons, namely Louis Ayikpa (20 years), Awal Misbau (16 years) and Nasif Nuhu (30 years). These are the names known to the Committee.”

It further recommended the removal of the MCE for Ejura saying his presence would worsen the security situation in the municipality.

“We recommend the removal of the Ejura-Sekyedumase Municipal Chief Executive, Honourable Mohammed Salisu Bamba, since his continuous presence as MCE would exacerbate the already tense security situation in Ejura”

They also recommended the development of a Standard Operation Procedure for Military /Police operations including the roles of indispensable allied agencies like National Investigation Bureau, NADMO, Ghana National Fire Service, National Ambulance Service Etc.

They also stressed the need for the National Commission on Civic Education (NCCE) to intensify its public education on the rights and civic responsibilities of the people of Ejura in the Ashanti Region.

It also indicated that all crowd, riot control units be made to wear bodycams and all vehicles and gadgets used must also have cameras.

See the full report here.

By: Stella Annan | myactiveonline.com Twitter @activetvgh


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