October 22, 2024

Pay Us Our Arrears If We Must Change Schedule – NABCo Personnels

NABCo trainees

It has been more than a week since the order for NABCO personnel to resume normal attendance and subsequent refusal to the personnels request for peaceful demonstration.

Now, NABCo in retaliation has refused to follow this new order, demanding that the government pay the arrears owed them.

In response as to why organizational heads have refused to authorize the order to ensure all personnel report to normal routine schedules, personnel are certain and believe  supervisors are more moved by their plight than the authorities.

Some of the personnels say the shift system is mostly the reason for their continued report to work and that if the government wishes that they resume normal working days then the government must change payment strategy.

And until the issue is resolved they will continue to be on shifts.

By: Jamila Abdul Wahab


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