Funny Face is suffering from a spiritual attack – Don Little

Don Little, a Ghanaian Kumawood actor, has spoken out about his buddy and boss, Funny Face, who is suffering from mental illness.
Spiritual forces, he claims, are to blame for the comedian’s condition. The actor stated in an interview with Mona Gucci on the ‘Biribi Gye Gye Wo’ show that someone has dragged him [Funny Face] to juju to destroy him. And it’s for this reason that he’s been raving on social media recently.
“No matter who you are in this life, you go through predicaments. When a predicament befalls someone, all we need to do is to pray to help the person come out from the unpleasant situation.
“It is a situation where whatever he is doing is not from his own will but backed by spiritual influences.”
He went on to say that Funny Face, as many people know him, does not act in this manner. As a result, if he is now experiencing mental troubles, it is important to note that something is wrong. “It’s spiritual,” he stated.
Don confessed that he is constantly hoping for Funny Face’s sanity to return.
In a video on social media, Funny Face went off. He slammed some Ghanaian celebrities for turning their backs on him during his ordeal.
He also vowed to kill Vanessa Nicole, his baby mama. And swore to kill himself after carrying out the murderous act.
As a result, he was then apprehended by the Police, charged in court, and referred to the Accra Psychiatric Hospital for further medical testing. After the re-examination order, Funny Face was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
The comedian has been admitted to a psychiatric facility before. His incarceration in a psychiatric hospital for two weeks was ordered by a judge in February.
Following his diagnosis, fans on social media wished him a quick recovery.
Source: Richard Mensah Adonu | Join our Telegram Group